Date:27-Jul-2024  Time: 12:04 PM
Details Buy Sell Net Buy / Sell Value Open Interest at the end of the day
No. of Contracts Value
[Rs in Cr]
No. of Contracts Value
[Rs in Cr]
No. of Contracts Value
[Rs in Cr]
Index Futures 182168 11348.42 220645 14435.94 -3087.52 462070 30362.78
Index Options 44277983 2778767.07 44629655 2799624.66 -20857.59 3783855 254227.43
Stock Futures 816952 62898.98 844118 64399.13 -1500.15 4084011 312982.71
Stock Options 138732 10747.47 178877 13953.88 -3206.41 119917 9371.97
Source:Capital Market
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