Date:27-Jul-2024  Time: 12:23 PM
Dormant Account Policy
This Policy defines the treatment of Dormant/Inactive accounts of the clients maintained with the Company.

Definition of Dormant/Inactive accounts:

In case of trading account the term wherein no trade have been carried out since last 12(Twelve) months.

Return of Funds & Securities:

Senator Securities Pvt. Ltd. will return the Funds & Securities to the client, on request from the client to have a clear balance.

Re-Activation of Trading Account:

The client’s request through letter/registered email ID/recorded telephone lines impressed upon to reactivate the account or carry out any fresh transactions in a dormant/inactive accounts.

The re-activating of trading account will require the following details/documents:
  1. Proof of Identify
  2. Latest proof of Address
  3. Copy of Bank Statement/Pass book (Last Six Months)
  4. Copy of latest Demat account Statement
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Sebi Reg No: NSE INB231168734(CM) INF231168734(F&O) Sebi Reg No: BSE INB011168730 INF011168730   NCDEX: Membership Code: 00774
MCX: Membership Code: 31560  Mutual Funds: ARN0843.
FMC Unique Membership Code: MCX/TCM/CORP/1106
2006-07 © Senator Securities Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved
FMC Unique Membership Code: NCDEX/TCM/CORP/0760
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